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Back to basics - lets start the map


Mission:Start map

Goal:Reduce fails

Step1. Test yourself

In the beggining - test your own map application.

Do this in two steps:

Impliment some king of "loading guard", it will fires if map wont start in 40 seconds


    somehow test what map is ready and workable.

    for example - map will fires event "weAreDone".

    catch it!


 /* i thing 40sec is alot of time*/

and then define global error catcher

function global_error_catcher(msg, url, num, more){

    if(msg && msg.name){

        var _event=msg;

        msg=(_event.name+"] "+e.fileName+":"+e.lineNumber+"\n"+e+"\n"+e.stack);



     var evt=msg;


     for(i in evt)msg+=i+":"+evt[i]+"\n";


    var textout=("global error:\n"+msg+",\n"+url+":"+num+"\n:"+more);

    new Ajax.Request("loader/report_site_error.php",{parameters:{'message':textout},async:true});

    return true;



Then put this application online and see logs.

So i say "if map working for you - it can not work for others"

And this is true.

some time ago i got bug report "hey men, there is no map on your site".

I test it - map exists, i test my site on other PC.. map exists..

I try to ask friends to test site... and.. MAP EXISTS!!!

but next day i`v got same bug report from other user..

So i impliment listed debug scripts and then i see..
2000 users per day see my site with out map.
2000 users of 50k - 4%

So how to fix it

Step2. Start map

First include google loader


function add_script(src){

    var fileref=document.createElement("script");





function _do_requestLoader(domain){



var requestLoader_try=0;

function requestLoader(){

    if(requestLoader_try==0)_do_requestLoader("your domain code(.us,.ru,not just .com)");

    else                    _do_requestLoader("com");





Next try to call it and include google maps

GoogleMap.prototype.__init_loadingCycle = function (tick){






    var thisworker=this;

    //we have google loaded. sometimes( apple\safari google loads in 2-5 tick! )

    if(window.google && typeof(window.google)!=undefined && typeof(window.google.load)=='function'){

        this.console("google start at "+tick+" tick");


        google.load("maps", "3", {other_params:"sensor=true",

                    "callback" : function(){


                            thisworker.console("google post-activaion");



                        thisworker._enterState("google start",function(){





                    //and some others params like

                    "language" : "ru",







        //start timer




Next wait until maps starts, and request maps projection

//lest define projection helper

function GoogleV3ProjectionHelperOverlay(map)




GoogleMap.prototype.start = function ()


    var _this=this;

    //leave loading state


    var myOptions = {

      zoom: this.driver.getZoom(),

      center: this.fromLatLng(this.driver.getPosition()),

      mapTypeId: this.decodeMapType(this.driver.getMapType()),





    var thisworker=this;    

    this.api = new google.maps.Map(this.divId,myOptions);        




    //then define help projector

    GoogleV3ProjectionHelperOverlay.prototype = new google.maps.OverlayView();

    GoogleV3ProjectionHelperOverlay.prototype.draw = function () {

        if (!this.ready) {

            google.maps.event.trigger(this, 'ready');            

            this.ready = true;


            //if this overlay ready - start maps





    GoogleV3ProjectionHelperOverlay.prototype.tearMapOn = function(tick){

        //if it have panes - start map


                 _this._enterState("google-doStartInit - "+tick,function(){                 





            var __this=this;





    //sometimes it good to know how much time took loading of all tiles of map










    //call some callback on API init



    //init helperOverlay

    this.helperOverlay=new GoogleV3ProjectionHelperOverlay(this.api);




//this function will be called this helperOverlay starts

GoogleMap.prototype.doStartInit = function ()


   if( this.startIniter )




Map started!

and after this step we can convert latlng to pixels as in v2.
Many users want fromLatLngToContainerPixel - here it is!


     var bounds=this.api.getBounds();//this.getBounds();

     var swPoint = this.fromLatLngToDivPixel(bounds.getSouthWest());

     var nePoint = this.fromLatLngToDivPixel(bounds.getNorthEast());

     return {x:point.x-swPoint.x*fac,y:point.y-nePoint.y*fac};




    var point=this.fromLatLngToDivPixel(a);

    return this.modPointByOffset(point,1);



    var point=this.modPointByOffset(a,-1);

    return this.fromDivPixelToLatLng(point);


GoogleMap.prototype.fromLatLngToDivPixel      =function(a){

    if(!this.helperOverlay) return {x:0,y:0};

    return this.helperOverlay.getProjection().fromLatLngToDivPixel(a);


GoogleMap.prototype.fromDivPixelToLatLng      =function(a){

    return this.toLatLng(this.helperOverlay.getProjection().fromDivPixelToLatLng(a));


Step3. Test it again

So we use enter and leavestate functions. The log working flow. If some event "enters", but not "leaves" - we will log.

GoogleMap.prototype._leaveState = function(_event){

    var _this=this;


    _this.console("["+_event.name+"] took " +(_event.leave-_event.enter));

    return _event;


GoogleMap.prototype.__callState = function (_event){




            this._leaveState(_event) ;



        this.console("state-error ["+_event.name+"] "+e.fileName+":"+e.lineNumber+"\n"+e+"\n"+e.stack);

        this._leaveState(_event) ;





GoogleMap.prototype._enterState = function(name,func,sync,catcheble){

    var _event={'name':name,'func':func,'enter':this.microtime(),'leave':0,'catcheble':catcheble};

    var _this=this;

    this.console('entering ['+name+']'+this._stages.length);




        if(sync){ _this.__callState(_event);









    return _event;


See error logs again.

W\O this patches 1-5% of request fails

with this patches still some request fails, but just some of this.

so test yourself and see. I test this on 4 sites with 150k unique visitors per day. And i think it is true that map exists not for all of then then you use "standart" way

What about you?

All of sections, i list here, is allready done by me. I need just to wrap code into article, and, yap, english article :)

If you want to know more - ask

How to start Google V3

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